Sep 17, 2024


Can you believe it?

Full Harvest Super Moon and
Lunar Eclipse for us to enjoy
today and tomorrow . . .

Feels like magick to me; make
no mistake. And if wishing on
a star is doable, can't help but
wonder what wishing on this
moon might do for moi?!

I'd kneel if my knees could
handle it . . . so I think I'll just
stand under that tad of lunar
light and wish to age long and

After all those years of practice
and growing, we should be up
for those bits and pieces of pain
that aging drags in.

Beyond grateful here that I'm
still standing straight and have
a good lengthy stride. No need
to mention the sound effects
that go with . . .

 - - -

magic/magick - alternate 
spellings used to distinguish 
paranormal from stage magic.

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