Sep 9, 2024


"They're both cut from 
the fabric of loss."
~Abraham Verghese

My heart hurts with the
sounds of sorrow . . .
All day long, sirens ahoy;
albeit ambulances, fire
trucks, police.

Times I hear a child crying,
sobbing as though his heart
would break.

In the quiet of the evening,
a woman hides out in the
bathroom, hoping no one
in the home will hear her
falling tears, sense her

A young teen, seriously
considers suicide . . . the
kids at school are merciless
in their taunting. Lunches
stolen, names called, and 
worst of all, the swirlies.

Family pets, left out during
the night; moaning from 
the cold, the isolation, the
pain of hurting paws.

There are times my heart
simply cannot bear the
sounds of sorrow. Times
I cannot stop my tears.

I rue the day the gods gave
me the gift of empathy . . .

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