Sep 16, 2024


"Seasons change and so do we.
Let's start by appreciating all
that is, all that was and all that
will be." The Lovable Moon

Lover of the warmer seasons,
I find awaking to 40 degrees
on a summer morn most un-
bearable! Someone needs to
clue in the powers at be that
Autumn doesn't start until the
22nd! So not kidding here!

Fall simply seems to be slipping
in early. Wasn't it around the time
of Covid's appearance that our
weather patterns seemed to alter?
Go figure!

Alas, methinks I'm going to be 
wearing long janes for the rest of 
me days . . . 

 . . . I recall arriving in the U.S.
umpteen years ago. It was 93
degrees in the town I arrived in.
Had to put on a sweater. Guess
20 years in Old Mexico altered
my limits. And now, I'm freezing!

Still, here's wishing you a happy
autumn and me warmer days . . .

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