Sep 15, 2024


"Those who dance appear insane
to those who cannot hear the music."
~Friedrich Nietzsche

I've heard the music all my life. 

Still, I dance amazingly in my head 
and rather poorly in reality. Might
be that I came from a family who
believed dancing to be a sin.

Looking at the meaning behind the
words, I see a plea to accept people
as they are. Obviously, one can only
guess as he is long gone. But, I do
hope that was his meaning.

We live in a world where critique
of the unusual, different, unknown
is rather severe. Seems sometimes,
that the 'cookie cutter' mindset is
in charge, in the know.

Were I able, I would beg, plead . . .

"Bring out the wild, different,
heretofore unseen parts of you!
Let the world celebrate your

Yayyyyy us!

 - - -

Nietzsche was a German philosopher
who also said, "Without music, life
would be a mistake." He believed that
dance was sacred and danced daily.
calling it his, "only kind of piety" 
and "divine service." He also said, 
"I would believe only in a God that 
knows how to dance." Wikipedia

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