Sep 6, 2024


"I have been many different 
versions of me, but even in the 
darkest of days, I keep coming 
back to the same heart, same 
passion, same purpose, and
same soul, just a little bit more
weathered and a little bit wiser."
The Kitchen Witches

Perhaps it's called Spiritual
Evolution, God only knows!
Still, methinks 'tis perhaps
the greatest truth I've come
across in a long while.

Personal growth has ever and
always been a thing for me,
ever since I was a child. Not
certain why or how, simply

I've always tried so hard . . .
my parents used to call it my
perfectionistic bent. No doubt
about it and I still have it. I've
learned to fight it a bit, but one
is who one is, right?!

Now that I'm a proper oldster,
I would say it's about living, 
not existing. Indeed, personal
growth is important and should
be happening every day.

But, what would be the point if
life was not lived and enjoyed?!

Be you! I'll be me!! And, we'll
walk together, each on our own
path, living and growing to the
very best of our abilities . . .

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