Sep 3, 2024


"If you are not free to be 
who you are, you are not free."
~Dr. Clarissa Pinola Estés

What is it that keeps us from
being who we truly are?

Perhaps, we think we're
honoring our parents if we
think being ourselves would
upset them?!

Is it society we're cautious
of offending? Those people
walking down the street
that we don't even know?

Or perhaps, embarrassing our
children comes to mind. Time
to get even, they embarrassed
us many a time!

And surely we don't wish to
embarrass our friends. Think
about it . . . If we're upsetting
our friends by being who we
are, maybe we have the wrong

Methinks we have trained our-
selves to act in certain societal
approved ways and it's simply
difficult to get beyond them.

Time to grow up, accept who
we are and be ourselves!

So, Would you like to dance?

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