Sep 12, 2024


"It's a delicate walk to balance
hope with chaos." ~Stacie Martin

Not sure if we live in stranger,
harder times, or due to daily
news, FB and other systems, 
we just know more about it.

The above has caused many 
to give up hope. There's a
definite I give up in the mix.

So, instead of witnessing joy
on peoples' faces, we see
lethargy and hear platitudes.

I so honor those who have
gotten beyond our current
sorrows and delve into joy
anyway. These are souls to be
cherished, make no mistake.

What can we do to counter
this trend? We must remember
there is joy to be found, if we
only seek it.

Sunrises and sunsets, watching
a child play in puddles, time
with family and friends, a special
meal . . . simply being alive is

I swear I'm going to pull myself
out of this current downer and
find this elusive joy, no matter

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