Sep 20, 2024


"To know even one life has
breathed easier because you 
have have lived. This is to 
have succeeded."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sooooo who I want to be 
when I grow up!

Perhaps 'twas the reason 
I became a teacher. Lying
within me was a desire to
help and serve rather than 
to harm and garner.

I blame it all on my little 
brother Sammy. I grew up
doing my fair share to help
him, enable him to survive.

Interestingly enough, I did
not feel put upon in the least.
And, interestingly enough,
when I cared for my mother
in my home for three and a 
half years, I did.

Methinks, this means I have
a long way to go, a long way
to grow.

I ask the questions, "How 
to grow? How to initiate this
positive change? Does the
Universe step in and begin
the teaching, the healing?"

Ever watching for signs and
signals. Hoping to give a 
hand one way or another.
Longing to grow, to grow up.

Heaven help me . . .

Sep 19, 2024


Been thinkin' . . . always 
a tad dangerous. I know! 
I know! Questions ahoy . . .

Why is it that I do some of
the things that I do? Like . . .

Why do I sleep so close to
the edge of the bed with my
knee over the edge?

Why do I only wear black?
I have 13 sets of black clothes.

Why do I put blue in my hair?

Why do I send silly notes to
my friends?

Why do I have such issues
with cookie cutter people,
but dearly love those who
think outside the box?

Why do I refuse to use the
telephone . . . e-mail only?

Why did I give up my home
and move to a tiny 145 year
old cabin in the woods?

Why do I hate violence but
love murder mysteries? Not
too violent, Columbo and
Murder She Wrote will do

Why am I the absolutely
weirdest person I know?

Just call me eccentric . . .

Sep 18, 2024


Sometimes a dream is just 
a dream . . . and I get that! 
Still, I had a doozie last eve.

I dreamt that some of my 
guys and I went to a rather
new dump sight. There we
found that tons and tons of
different kinds of incense
had been brought there.

Absolutely unimaginable!
We didn't know if it were
moldy, in excess or what
the hell?!

Some of the group stayed
below and others joined me.
Not sure whether the gods
descended and gifted us
shovels, but suddenly we
had some.

I used mine to start mixing
some of those piles around
me. Then, began loading
boxes. Box after box, piling
them for retrieval. 

I had hoped we could each
take a box home as we all
used incense in our personal

Alas, we found the boxes
too heavy to remove. So
then, started dumping some
of the incense out so we
could carry them.

Methinks there's a message
here and I can come up with
a few.

Any fab ideas to share?

Sep 17, 2024


Can you believe it?

Full Harvest Super Moon and
Lunar Eclipse for us to enjoy
today and tomorrow . . .

Feels like magick to me; make
no mistake. And if wishing on
a star is doable, can't help but
wonder what wishing on this
moon might do for moi?!

I'd kneel if my knees could
handle it . . . so I think I'll just
stand under that tad of lunar
light and wish to age long and

After all those years of practice
and growing, we should be up
for those bits and pieces of pain
that aging drags in.

Beyond grateful here that I'm
still standing straight and have
a good lengthy stride. No need
to mention the sound effects
that go with . . .

 - - -

magic/magick - alternate 
spellings used to distinguish 
paranormal from stage magic.

Sep 16, 2024


"Seasons change and so do we.
Let's start by appreciating all
that is, all that was and all that
will be." The Lovable Moon

Lover of the warmer seasons,
I find awaking to 40 degrees
on a summer morn most un-
bearable! Someone needs to
clue in the powers at be that
Autumn doesn't start until the
22nd! So not kidding here!

Fall simply seems to be slipping
in early. Wasn't it around the time
of Covid's appearance that our
weather patterns seemed to alter?
Go figure!

Alas, methinks I'm going to be 
wearing long janes for the rest of 
me days . . . 

 . . . I recall arriving in the U.S.
umpteen years ago. It was 93
degrees in the town I arrived in.
Had to put on a sweater. Guess
20 years in Old Mexico altered
my limits. And now, I'm freezing!

Still, here's wishing you a happy
autumn and me warmer days . . .

Sep 15, 2024


"Those who dance appear insane
to those who cannot hear the music."
~Friedrich Nietzsche

I've heard the music all my life. 

Still, I dance amazingly in my head 
and rather poorly in reality. Might
be that I came from a family who
believed dancing to be a sin.

Looking at the meaning behind the
words, I see a plea to accept people
as they are. Obviously, one can only
guess as he is long gone. But, I do
hope that was his meaning.

We live in a world where critique
of the unusual, different, unknown
is rather severe. Seems sometimes,
that the 'cookie cutter' mindset is
in charge, in the know.

Were I able, I would beg, plead . . .

"Bring out the wild, different,
heretofore unseen parts of you!
Let the world celebrate your

Yayyyyy us!

 - - -

Nietzsche was a German philosopher
who also said, "Without music, life
would be a mistake." He believed that
dance was sacred and danced daily.
calling it his, "only kind of piety" 
and "divine service." He also said, 
"I would believe only in a God that 
knows how to dance." Wikipedia

Sep 14, 2024


"Power, as simple as a wish, as
complex as love. As dangerous,
potentially, as a lightening bolt.
Power is risk. It's also joy." ~NR

Find myself wondering about
power . . . Surely we each have
that personal power within! But,
have we forgotten all about it?
Forgotten to use it? Become 
afraid of it?

Meditating on these questions,
I find that perhaps I've laid my
own personal power aside. 

Can't help but wonder why? Is 
it because I've become more
accepting of life as it is? Or,
feel it's too much bother? Or,
even laid it aside for so long
I've forgotten all about it?!

This needs pondering; make
no mistake! Rather makes me
wonder what I need to do to
re-embrace my own personal

Methinks a good session in
front of my fire would be a
good idea. Some serious
thinking needs to happen!
And by the time I finish, I'd
best have taken back my own
personal power.

I know I must use it carefully.
Good idea to start with myself.
Things to think about, to work
on and embracing this seems
to me 'twould be the answer . . .

Sep 13, 2024

09/13/2024 - Friday the 13th

Sooooo love those magickal
Friday the 13ths . . . "13 cycles
of the moon in a lunar year."

Rather links up to days of
yesteryear when my female
times happened 13 times a

I like to fast and pray on a
Friday the 13th as "a spiritual
day of enlightenment divine
feminine energy and healing."

So enjoy meeting up w/friends
of the same mindset. Naught
wrong with lifting a glass to
the Goddess of yesteryear for
whom said days are celebrated.

Today, we are so lucky to be
joined by a couple who enjoy
celebrating Friday the 13th.

I like to use these two or three
times a year for fasting and
meditation, ending the day with
hoisting a couple with besties.

Pray, may your day be a special
one and bring you ere so many

 - - -

"Friday the 13th can come in threes,
but that won't be case for 2-24. All
years will have at least one Friday
the 13th and as many as three Friday
the 13ths in any given calendar year.
In 2024, there are two. September 13
and December 13."

Sep 12, 2024


"It's a delicate walk to balance
hope with chaos." ~Stacie Martin

Not sure if we live in stranger,
harder times, or due to daily
news, FB and other systems, 
we just know more about it.

The above has caused many 
to give up hope. There's a
definite I give up in the mix.

So, instead of witnessing joy
on peoples' faces, we see
lethargy and hear platitudes.

I so honor those who have
gotten beyond our current
sorrows and delve into joy
anyway. These are souls to be
cherished, make no mistake.

What can we do to counter
this trend? We must remember
there is joy to be found, if we
only seek it.

Sunrises and sunsets, watching
a child play in puddles, time
with family and friends, a special
meal . . . simply being alive is

I swear I'm going to pull myself
out of this current downer and
find this elusive joy, no matter

Sep 11, 2024


empathy, noun
the ability to understand and
share the feelings of another

"It's both a blessing and a curse
to feel everything so deeply."
Introverts, Old Souls & Empaths

I would imagine that everyone
possesses empathy to some 

We all feel for what our children
are going through, what our fam
is suffering, what our friends are
putting up with.

Can't help but wonder, what is
my part in all of this. I've known
for many years that I'm an empath.
With it, I suffer with family and
friends, sometimes helping, others

There are times when I am so
overcome with empathy I don't
think I can even live any longer.

Sooooo strange the gifts the
Universe has bestowed on each
of us. I pray we each make it
through the gifts we were given!

Sep 10, 2024


"One of the hardest things in
life is having words in your
heart that you can not utter."
~James Earl Jones

There are times when I feel
myself actually chocking on
unuttered words . . .

With whom would I share
them? Would I just sob and
sob if I allowed them to spill
out? Would I ever stop? Or,
simply become a permanent
fountain of the heretofore

Do those who move away,
keep away, still keep their
promise not to share? Does
one live in fear of those
secrets shared rebounding?

Perhaps this is what prayer
is all about. Does some un-
seen being hear your distress?
What if someone overhears
your sobs, your confession,
as it were?

A breakdown of sorts? A
hurriedly invented story?
An unburdening of truth?

There will be a price to pay;
make no mistake!

Wonder what people will
think when finding all those
different parts of my body
once exploded?

Sep 9, 2024


"They're both cut from 
the fabric of loss."
~Abraham Verghese

My heart hurts with the
sounds of sorrow . . .
All day long, sirens ahoy;
albeit ambulances, fire
trucks, police.

Times I hear a child crying,
sobbing as though his heart
would break.

In the quiet of the evening,
a woman hides out in the
bathroom, hoping no one
in the home will hear her
falling tears, sense her

A young teen, seriously
considers suicide . . . the
kids at school are merciless
in their taunting. Lunches
stolen, names called, and 
worst of all, the swirlies.

Family pets, left out during
the night; moaning from 
the cold, the isolation, the
pain of hurting paws.

There are times my heart
simply cannot bear the
sounds of sorrow. Times
I cannot stop my tears.

I rue the day the gods gave
me the gift of empathy . . .

Sep 8, 2024


" . . . I spread my dreams at
your feet . . . " ~W.B. Yeats

At the risk of altering meaning
by taking out only one line . . .
it sooooo speaks to me!

We've all shared our dreams;
fams, friends, and lovers. I
imagine most of the time it
makes no difference. 

Still, people come and go. 
And once gone, might not 
always remain mute re one's
own hopes and dreams.

Methinks most times, 'tis
done with no bad intentions,
just thoughtlessness.

At the end of the day, it comes
to me that if any spreading of
dreams happens, it might be
best at one's own feet.

I'm still dreaming, sometimes
sharing, sometimes not . . . 

 . . . Pray I never get too old,
too disillusioned, to dream!

Sep 7, 2024


I awaken today in fine fettle . . .

Yesterday, I spent a few hours
with women I only get to see
a very few times a year.

The journey was beautiful, the
arriving thrilling, the sharings
most amazing, and fun, fab 
foods. Rather leaves me in a
state of anticipation for the 
next time.

What is it about those few
amazing friendships left to 
us in our dotage?!

It's not that our friends of
yesteryear don't love us
anymore. People move away,
spend more time with fams
and grands, maybe like moi . . .
don't like to travel so much.

Just as life tends to diminish
in our elder years, so do our
activities, our goings and
comings, our times out with

Methinks 'tis about accepting
life as it comes, enjoying its
gifts and being thankful for
what's given . . .

Sep 6, 2024


"I have been many different 
versions of me, but even in the 
darkest of days, I keep coming 
back to the same heart, same 
passion, same purpose, and
same soul, just a little bit more
weathered and a little bit wiser."
The Kitchen Witches

Perhaps it's called Spiritual
Evolution, God only knows!
Still, methinks 'tis perhaps
the greatest truth I've come
across in a long while.

Personal growth has ever and
always been a thing for me,
ever since I was a child. Not
certain why or how, simply

I've always tried so hard . . .
my parents used to call it my
perfectionistic bent. No doubt
about it and I still have it. I've
learned to fight it a bit, but one
is who one is, right?!

Now that I'm a proper oldster,
I would say it's about living, 
not existing. Indeed, personal
growth is important and should
be happening every day.

But, what would be the point if
life was not lived and enjoyed?!

Be you! I'll be me!! And, we'll
walk together, each on our own
path, living and growing to the
very best of our abilities . . .

Sep 5, 2024


"There are two places you 
need to go often; the place
that heals you and the place
that inspires you." 
Goddess Love

I feel as if I had won the lotto
as these two places are both
to be found at my home.

It seems I was steered to spend
the end of my days in this tiny,
tiny, nearly 150 year old cabin.

'Tis a gift; make no mistake. 
Methinks, 'tis this place of
healing, learning and growing
that will usher me into those
last accoutrements of wisdom.

I firmly believe that it is this
wisdom that will allow me to
face the end with dignity and

I've had such a full, amazing,
interesting life. 'Twould be a
shame if I walked away in a
rather disgusting temper!

Sooooo . . . 

Still here! 
Still growing!! 
Still seeking enlightenment!!!

May it ever be so . . .

Sep 4, 2024


"There are plenty of ways 
to die, but only love can kill 
and keep you alive to feel it."
~Leo Christopher

Perhaps 'tis my age, I find
myself talking about death
quite a bit.

Tell myself it's about getting
ready, about being prepared.
Making sure my fam and
friends receive my treasures.

Still, this quote caught my
attention. A bit scary, if you
catch my drift.

Sooooo, is this about death 
or is it about love? Perhaps 
both! Death is what it is, so 
maybe 'tis love we're taking 
a look at.

Love is one of those amazing
things that can go either way,
as it were. It can be the most
wondrous gift ever given. On
the other hand, it can leave
you the worse for wear.

The love I have for and with
my children is the real McCoy.
Alas, I've had the bad . . .

 . . . Craful! Craful! as my little 
bro used to say!

Sep 3, 2024


"If you are not free to be 
who you are, you are not free."
~Dr. Clarissa Pinola Estés

What is it that keeps us from
being who we truly are?

Perhaps, we think we're
honoring our parents if we
think being ourselves would
upset them?!

Is it society we're cautious
of offending? Those people
walking down the street
that we don't even know?

Or perhaps, embarrassing our
children comes to mind. Time
to get even, they embarrassed
us many a time!

And surely we don't wish to
embarrass our friends. Think
about it . . . If we're upsetting
our friends by being who we
are, maybe we have the wrong

Methinks we have trained our-
selves to act in certain societal
approved ways and it's simply
difficult to get beyond them.

Time to grow up, accept who
we are and be ourselves!

So, Would you like to dance?

Sep 2, 2024


'Tis not every day one has a new
moon and a much celebrated Labor
Day in one fell swoop.And . . . I 
do honor those for whom Labor 
Day was created, make no mistake!

Still have a thing about the moon;
it is what it is! What I love about
the New Moon is its symbolism,
giving us a little shove in the right

For those who follow our Lunar
Lady, the New Moon marks a time
in which we can add those positive
things that enrich our lives. Think
along the lines of writing post cards,
calling a friend, visiting family, 
doing an unattractive chore.

As we arrive at the full moon, I like
a three day celebration . . . the day
before, the actual full moon and the
day after. 'Tis my cup of tea . . .
celebrating our Lunar Lady.

Days after the decent begins. I like
working on things that deserve a
diminishing in my life. Perhaps,
eating and drinking a bit too much,
neglecting some cleaning, indulging
in a tad of gossip. Important to work
on both the positive and the negative.

Let's celebrate her in all her glory,
slender to full and back again!

 - - -

Labor Day is a federal holiday in the
US celebrated on the first Monday of
September to honor and recognize the
American labor movement and the 
work and contributions of laborers to
the development and achievements in
the US. Wikipedia

Sep 1, 2024


Harking back . . . this date always
had me in a dither of excitement.
Only four days 'til school would
begin, September 4th.

A small parochial school with the 
best teachers. How I loved it and
reading was my absolute fave! 

Fact is, I loved school so much, I
became a teacher myself. 40 years
all told, in two countries. I do love
being retired, and yet . . . I still 
dream I'm in the classroom.

Blows me away that some of my
students are now grandparents.
Naught like it to remind you of
your own age!

I do recognize now just how lucky
I was. I hear people complaining
about their jobs, their work. That's
when it comes to me, luckiest gal
ever. Sooooo loved teaching!

Hope all of us have fond memories
of good ole days in the classroom.
So thankful for each and every
teacher I had. Bless them!

p.s. Doesn't mean I'm not enjoying
retirement though. Ha!