Jul 31, 2024


Tonight marks the long-awaited
Lughnasadh Eve. Strangely, I oft
prefer the eves of all holidays
rather than the actual feast days.

I particularly enjoy Lughnasadh
for several reasons. I like the
warmth of the weather. Reminders
of much to be thankful for are 
much appreciated.

Best of all, several earth lovers
join us in celebration of her rich
gifts to us. But, that will be on the

For tonight, Lughnasadh Eve, we
intend to sit outside with Mother
Nature and enjoy her beauty!

Happy Lughnasadh!

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Lughnasadh is a Gaelic festival
marking the beginning of the 
harvest season. Historically, it
was widely observed throughout
Ireland, Scotland, and Isle of Man.
Held on August 1, midway 'twixt
Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox. 

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