Jul 11, 2024


"Did it alone. Did it broke.
Did it tired. Did it scared.
Still doing it." Thinking Minds

Yes . . . 

As I read this, memories of 
yesteryear simply flooded 
my soul.

Certainly, we all have our 
own version of these words.
Still, 'tis good to remember
from time to time.

People are . . . Amazing! 
Magnificent!! Phantabulous!!!
Can't help but wonder, as we
forget this, does this forgetting
contribute to depression?!

Going to try this . . . Next time
I'm in the hands of Mr. Doldrums,
just going to take a walk down
memory lane. There are ever so
many beautiful things to recall!

The births of my children, my
years in Mexico, skating rink
time . . . Yeah, Memory Lane
R O C K S !!!

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