Jul 18, 2024


"Paradise has been about 
places. It exists in moments. 
In connection. In flashes across
time." ~Victoria Erickson

This may be one of the truest
statements I have ever read. In
fact, 'twas only yesterday we
experienced a tad of this reality.

We traveled to a fab park down
south for a fam get-together and
a fond farewell. It was like a 
family reunion. We sat with my
guy's x-wife, her sister, and two
of their sons. We talked for hours.
'Twas most wondrous!

Earlier in the day, we stopped to
purchase some items for summer
and found ourselves a few cents
short. It was a tad embarrassing,
all told. The clerk reached into
his pocket and counted out the
difference. Wow! Just WOW!!!

We went on home as we had
things that needed refrigeration.
I packed up some of my special
spice and took it to him. He told
me he loves hot so he'll enjoy it.
I expressed to him how much his
kind gesture meant in a world
that is somewhat awry of late.

Seems to me we hit Paradise
at least twice yesterday!

 - - -

Victoria Erickson is a grounded
idealist who's been writing the
world awake since she was a 
child. A wildly popular columnist
w/Rebelle Society. Google Books

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