Jul 22, 2024


"Be open with your love and
loud with your laughter. Life
is so much brighter when lived
genuinely." ~Rose Beaches

Looking back, I have actually
lived and not just existed . . .

*Leaving home at 15 to study
in an academy rather than at
home . . .
*Going to Mexico at 17 and
returning home at 37 . . .
*Teaching 23 years in my
beloved Commerce City . . .
*Living in a tiny, tiny cabin
in my elder years . . .

None of that even compares
to birthing the two most fab
kids heretofore known to 

There is naught wrong with a
look back to remind oneself.
The thing is, I need to make
sure, even in my elder years,
maybe especially in my elder
years, that I keep on living
rather than existing!

Obviously, the activities need
to be diff than when one was
much younger, but just so
living is winning over existing!

I've ever and always loved my
life. 'Tis no different being
almost 75 as being 25. 

Let's live!

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