Jul 29, 2024


Just in case one forgets the
wonders of nature, Mother
sends her reminders . . .

Yesterday, we had elk in the
yard off and on all day. I was
yet again, amazed by their
beauty, found myself teary
eyed, blown away, amazed.

Then, they started eating my
plants, trees and flowers. I 
did my fair share of hollering, 
I must admit.

It's taken years for my little
tree by the pond to become,
as it were. And, I'm ever so
proud of my potted plants.

Seeing them spread eagled
so they could drink from our
tiny pond was fun. Watching
their ginormous beauty sway
down our stone walk was
most likely worth my losses.

Spending the afternoon in 
watch . . . a joyous, humbling
experience. Doing so with
friends and neighbors simply
added to the joy!

Can't help but wonder if they
will come back again today!

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