Jul 14, 2024


In speaking of the Crone, methinks
some may have also heard the term,
Olde Crone. What is the difference?

In days of yesteryear, women croned,
or crowned, much younger. Post
menopausal most likely. Alas, women
also lived a much shorter time .

Today the Crone, or Crony, usually
celebrates around 60 and is packing
plenty of wisdom. The seeking of
wisdom is obviously a prime concern.

Often, the age of 75 or 80 is chosen
to celebrate Olde Crone status. And,
although the seeking of wisdom is
inherent in the nature, the sharing of
wisdom becomes summarily important.

One can always seek the advice of an
Olde Crone or Crony. They must be
approached politely and with deference.
A gift of acknowledgment is also
important. Don't feel bad if the gift is
passed on. The receiving is essential,
the sharing is as well.

Remember, these gifts come to us in
age. If we seek, we will find. One's
basic beliefs are not an issue here.

Blessed be!

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