Jul 6, 2024


"if the pain was deep, you will
have to let it go many times."
~yung pueblo

Through the years, I've heard
much about letting go. Alas, 
I fear 'tis not a feat at which 
I excel.

Time to time, I pat myself on
the back thinking I've finally
let something go . . . and then
a memory comes up and it's
all right back in place.

I keep thinking that I damn
well better learn to let go
before I pass on to the better
life, as it were.

I know that I too have offended
and hate to think of these poor
souls holding on for dear life
to my offense. 

Methinks, turning things
'round helps to understand
someone else's point of view
a tad better.

Perhaps my goal . . . turning
75 this year, after all!

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