Jul 30, 2024


"Touched bottom again.
Decided to liberate myself.
We are never trapped unless
we choose to be." ~Anais Nin

I swear, wisdom of the ages!

All winter long, and parts of
spring, I blame my doldrums
on SAD (Seasonal Affective
Disorder) and don't really try
to do anything much about it.

And, here's wisdom of the 
ages, making a phenomenal
statement! I need to be more
like her!

I am thankful for my fam and
friends . . . they all help me
thru winter as well as giving
me ideas for coping!

Still, sounds to me like I need
to get off my duff and follow
Nin's advice!

 - - -

Anais Nin was a French-Cuban
diarist, essayist, novelist and
writer of short stories and erotica.
Born to Cuban parents in France,
Nin was the daughter of composer
Joaquín Nin and Rosa Culmell, 
a classically trained singer. 
1903 - 1977 Wikipedia

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