Jul 13, 2024


"Sadly, some would call her 
a Hag . . . Lovingly, we call 
her Crone . . . Blessed are the 
Crones for they have lived the 
paths others have yet to walk."
We Sisters Three

From time to time, I am asked
what this Crone business is all
about. Methinks 'tis high time
I explained a bit.

A woman becomes a Crone,
a man a Crony, when her/his
second Saturn passes. This is
usually around one's 57th or
58th birthday. Personally, I
like 60 years of age; seems
a tad more symbolic to me.

So, what is the focus for the
Crone, Crony, here on out?

Personal growth is probably
the most important endeavor.
Seeking wisdom and how it
applies to one's life fits right
in here. Showing the way for
others interested marks the

Alas, we live in a society that
has forgotten to honor the
Crone and Crony. Important 
we teach our children to honor
the aged, the elderly . . .

Blessed be!

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