Jul 21, 2024


Remembering . . .

Today is my dad's birthday.

I miss him terribly; I always
do. And, I talk to him most
days. When I meditate, I find
myself talking to him.

I suppose I would say it's an
interesting experience. It
simply happened. One day,
I was quietly meditating and
there I was, talking to dad.

It's different than praying.
More like carrying on a chat
with a dear friend or even a
counselor. I find myself
pondering, if you will, and
dad listening. By the end, I
have an answer.

And yes, I miss him terribly.
Talking with him does tend
to mitigate my sorrow . . .

 . . . yet I am ever so grateful
to have had him in my life
for those 72 years.

Happy birthday dad! Loving
you and missing you terribly!

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