Aug 1, 2024


I can't believe it . . . First day 
of August, Lughnasadh, and 
the full Sturgeon Moon in all 
its glory! Wow!! Just WOW!!!

Can hardly wait to see what
this day will bring. Still need
to learn to slow down and
simply enjoy.

'Tis hot and sunny, which 
makes me think of sitting
outside all day . . . maybe
even enjoying a couple of 

Sooooo love summer, the
heat, the sun. Rather restores
my soul. Add in all the lovely
happenings of today, and it's 
above and beyond . . .

Happy August! Have a fulsome
Lughnasadh!! Enjoy the full
Sturgeon Moon!!!

 - - -

"The Full Moon in August is
named after North America's
largest fist, the sturgeon. Other
names for this Full Moon include
Grain Moon, Corn Moon, Lynx
Moon, and Lightning Moon."

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