Jul 26, 2024


"Universe, I am open and ready
to receive clarity. Show me the 
signs that I need to see." ~Ara

Recently, I participated in a class
designed to further personal growth.

The message I received suggested
I eat and drink less, exercise more
to enhance good health.

Deciding total honesty would be
the way to go, I asked myself if
I truly thought I could embody
the message received.

Do I truly want to eat healthier?
Do I wish to drink less? Do I 
want to exercise?

I recognize that I struggle with
being just shy of 75 and wanting
to live out every second left to
me in joy. 

On the other hand, being healthier,
living longer are wonderful goals.
Still, if I'm honest, methinks I'd
go for naughty every time!

- - -

C. Ara Campbell is a visionary
writer and founder of The Goddess
Circle, soul guide, cosmic channel,
artist, facilitator of The Inner 
Priestess Awakening online program,
and author of The Astro Forecast.

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