Jul 17, 2024


"Do not feel guilty for allowing
yourself to rest. Recharging is an
act of kindness for your future self."
~Stacy Martin

This was something I had to learn
both as a mom and a teacher. The
old bod can take only just so much.

What I didn't see coming was what
I like to call, ye ole lady syndrome.

   *Don't walk as fast as I used to. 
   *Or . . . don't walk at all! 
   *Eat less, drink more. 
   *Pay the bills; forget anything else.

Having been reared in a guilt-ridden
society, it's just not that easy to lose
the guilt. I remind myself of years of
parenting and 40 of teaching and try
to own that I deserve it.

So, what might elder years rest look
like?! Maybe, just maybe, it's more
about just being. We all probably
worry too much about getting out
there and achieving. But, if you think
about it, we've done plenty of that . . .
and yes, it's time to rest.

I'm going to rest today! And, I'll do 
that by doing the odd errand, visiting
my step-son. Might take in a show,
read a book in my new series. I'm
learning to be, just BE . . .

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