Jul 23, 2024


Ye ole politics ahoy . . .

I remember so fondly talking
politics with my parents.

Mom a Republican, Dad an
Independent and I a Democrat.
We'd sit at the kitchen table
and discuss, and I mean discuss.
Never a harsh word spoken, no
swaying of opinions. Just sharing.

In my life today, a bit of the same
song second verse. One of my
children is a Democrat, the other
a Republican and I sit about half
way 'twixt and 'tween Democrat
and Independent. Again, any
discussion is without animosity.

Frankly, I don't understand why
familial relationships are torn
asunder by differing points of
view. Always thought one of the
things that make America great
was its freedoms! 

So, as we approach voting time, 
let's honor different opinions and 
keep friendships and relationships.

Love conquers all, right?!

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