Jul 16, 2024


"I am an empath, I can hear what
you are not saying." ~Unknown

Per most things in life, there are
both positive and negative feelings
involved in being an empath.

Helpful in parenting and teaching
beyond the pale; make no mistake.
My problem was I was never able
to turn off another's pain in my 
own soul.

Perhaps, therein lies the negative
side of empathic ability. Mind and
soul of others constantly targeting
yours. So hard! No wonder I've
been white haired since I was 30.

But bottom line, I am grateful for
this somewhat difficult gift. My
little brother began losing his sight 
when he was three. He was blind
by 11. My job was to read to him
after school until my parents got

Sometimes we would take long
walks. He was too small at the
time for a seeing-eye dog, so we
would hold hands and I would
narrate. The whole neighborhood
knew us.

Frankly, I credit him with the gift,
or curse, if you will. He had a speech
impediment and I was the only one
who understood his lingo. I grew up 
in translation mode.

One way or another, his life made me
a better mom, a better teacher, a better
friend. I miss him, yet I am glad he's

My heart hurts . . .

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