Jul 3, 2024


"Take care of your thoughts when
you are alone. Take care of your
words when you are with people."
Wild Woman Sisterhood

WWS always shares good, sound 
advice. Now for the difficult part,
following it!

I often find my mind wandering
in and out of places I would never
allow my bod to go! Go figure!

Sooooo, how to tackle this issue?

I think it's easier to mind one's
tongue when with others, so 
maybe start there. I've found  
when I listen more than talk, 
I get into less trouble.

Perhaps, therein lies a tad of
wisdom! I should listen to my
thoughts with the same attention
I give to people talking!

Maybe whilst I'm learning to deal
with the above advice, I'd do well
to do a lot more listening instead
of talking!

Think I'll shut up now . . .

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