Aug 31, 2022


Oh my God . . . what a . . . 

8:30 this a.m. and the yard
was simply filled with elk.
It had to be the entire herd.
Countless numbers . . .

Perhaps the most impressive
member of the tribe was a
gynormous bull elk, hugest
antlers I'm ever seen, with at
least six points. His counter
part, was a young bull with
his first single spike.

There was a mom with two
calves, still in their spot mode.
Dozens and dozens of elk
everywhere you looked. An
amazing, stunning experience.

When they finally moved on,
you could actually smell the
scent, or maybe I should say
stench, of all that the elk left 
behind. They were, after all,
in front, back and side yards!

I feel ever so blest to have
had this experience. I rather
yearn to experience it again.

our animal kind
amazing experience 
life to the fullest


"I like messy people, people
who don't fit into a box or stay 
between the lines, but whose
integrity is greater than any
rule book and whose loyalty 
is stronger than blood." 
~Jim Wern

Such a sweet surprise . . .

My longtime birthday twin, 
albeit a decade younger,  
surprised us with an amazing 
home cooked meal this eve.

I've never experienced an
event quite like this one.
Visiting together, having this
spectacular meal brought to
our table, ending with a fab 
dessert and more sharing in
the afters . . .

Friendship simply fascinates
me. I find the subtle changes 
that come with the advancing
years most interesting. 

Some have moved on, albeit
physically or emotionally. 
Others remain in the loop via
the odd call, correspondence,
or visits. Still others will ever
and always wend their way

Bright blessings, Gypsy!

Aug 30, 2022


"Lions and tigers and bears, 
oh my!" The Wizard of Oz

Seems that even using up
and downstairs calendars,
along with my computer, I
still mismark dates! Can't
trust me as far as you can
throw me!

Methinks I need to listen
more carefully, write info
more completely - rather
than abbreviations, and
coordinate all calendars.

Now, doesn't that spell
secretary to you?! It sure
does to me!!!

On the bad side of that
suggestion . . . I wouldn't
be able to afford one, nor
have anyplace to work.

Seems the only thing left
to do would be to put on
my own secretary hat and
be a hell of a lot more

Sooooo need to pay more
attention to business! So
fear that's not going to
happen . . .

Aug 29, 2022


Alas, 'tis time once again . . .
Goodbyes are ever so much
harder than hellos, right?!

We like to make the rounds 
of the kids during the summer
months as we oldsters find it
harder to get out in winter.

We always find it surprising
how much the grandkids
have grown and that they're
enjoying the new school year.

Days of yore reflect families
living closer together. But 
in today's world, we all have
relatives all over kingdom
come. Rather breaks my heart
that we don't get to see each
other much.

And I've noticed, the older we
get, the smaller our geographic
circles. Can't help but wonder 
if this is part of the evolution 
of aging . . . maybe an attempt 
to keep us safer.

Sooooo, although my body be
somewhat indolent, my heart
is ever and always in theirs . . .

Aug 28, 2022


Just realizing binging comes 
in all forms . . .

Been on a crossword puzzle 
binge; morning, day and night.
Can't seem to stop! Going to 
be interesting to see if I've
misplaced the odd pound or
two. Not bloody likely!

As a Lang Arts teacher of 40
years, I would be the first to
admit my long time love affair
with verbiage. Never use one
word when two or three will

Got to play this one out. Can't
help but wonder just how long
it'll last. Guess it's better than
binging chocolate or margs!

Just color me verbose . . .

Aug 27, 2022


Interesting how the geography
of different places is so distinct.

I grew up near canyon lands, 
lived in the mountains, visited 
the plains. For years, we were by 
the ocean . . . each so incredibly

Can't help but wonder where
and why people choose to live. 
Often, it's most likely the luck
of the draw; we're born where
our parents live, after all.

Going away to school, taking
jobs out of town, going on
vacation, all give us the chance
to see other climes.

Still, one of the things that 
surprises me is, we often revert
to type. Nothing quite like 
home, right?!

And, as we really can only live 
in one place at a time, methinks 
'tis why vacations were invented.
Pray, take me to the ocean  yet 
one more time!

lets get out the maps
so loving me some travel
just one more trip please

Aug 26, 2022


Most likely, we all exist in the
daily grind . . .

There are errands to run, floors 
to mop, dishes to wash, meals
to cook.

And then, out of nowhere, my
guy comes in with a sunflower,
my fave flower of all time.

Methinks 'tis ever so easy to
forget life's little niceties when
we should be making a point
of creating them.

Leaves me wondering how I
could make someone's day the
way this sunflower made mine.

Help out with my daughter's
dishes, take out the trash, mind
the recycle . . . really, you don't
need to spend any shekels to 
make someone's day.

Love how a sunflower made my
day, but also inspires me to do
something for someone else. A
fab kind of sharing; make no

a kindness of sorts
lessons to be learned and shared
so making my day

Aug 25, 2022


It finally happened to me; never
dreamed it would . . .

Woke up to an urgent message
that someone had charged $100
to my credit card. Have no idea
how that could happened, since 
I have not been to the store in 
question for a month or so.

You hear about perps being able
to scan your card through your
purse or pocket. Must be true.
Funny, I'd just ordered a veiled
holder for exactly this kind of
protection, but hadn't gotten
around to using it yet. Might be
a lesson in there somewhere.

Bottom line, we live in a very
troubled world just now. I know
there have always been issues,
but since COVID, jobs have 
been compromised, homes lost,
bankruptcies and other sorrows
have driven people to extreme

Here's hoping whoever used my
card at SAMS got some much
needed groceries for their family.

Aug 24, 2022


Coffee, Tea or Me? ~Donald Bain,
Trudy Baker, Rachel Jones

Feeling a bit chilly of late, decided
to get into my magickal tea chest.
And, I do mean magickal, not

Thought it would be fun to sit by
the pond as I looked through my
tea treasures. Oh my God, every
kind of special tea one could ever
hope for . . . Along with silver
spoons and strainers, clay rests
and a couple of wondrous tea

'Twas feeling the excitement when
I noticed quite a spillage of a very
expensive tea from my international
travels in days of yore. I carefully
lifted each item out and proceeded
to pick up every strand of tea. I
had just finished when I knocked
the entire bag of tea out on the
ground. Swear I could have wept!

So instead, I indulged in some quite
non-lady like linguistics!!! Forget
the cost, I was so looking forward
to wintering with this particular
tea! Grrrrrrrrr  ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Still, there're some pretty spectacular
treasures in the tea chest. I intend to
enjoy them rather than leave them
to my family who may prefer coffee!

So, if you're answering the question,
coffee, tea or me, you'd better choose
me because Mama Earth already got
the tea!

Aug 23, 2022


I find myself missing Mother,
Mother Nature . . .

Pantheism, the path I follow,
honors her ever and always.
I look back to my childhood;
the rides, hiking, camping . . .
Oh how I loved it all. My dad,
a Panentheist, truly made sure
we spent a great deal of time 
in our Mother's lairs!

Today, about a hundred years
later, I do find myself missing
those most wondrous forays
into her world. It hurts to admit
it, but I no longer have the 
energy to hike. Praise the gods
I can still enjoy rides. And I'd
be the first to admit, camping
in a travel trailer sure beats 
sleeping on the floor of a tent.

So I ask myself, how can I
enjoy her at this age? What's
left for me now that I can't do
the things I used to enjoy? I
know with the pice of gasoline
my sig-o doesn't like to take
rides very often. But, I can read!

There are phenomenal books
magazines, brochures, and not
to forget nature documentaries.
Maybe none of these are the 
real McCoy, but I am grateful
they exist; make no mistake!

the cost of aging
so loving me my mother
no longer able

Aug 22, 2022


"I will be okay . . . 
Not right now, 
but I will be okay . . .
~berkana vuno

A dichotomy isn't it?
Light spring showers,
but dark autumn rains . . .
The former brings such joy;
the latter fuels depression.

Yet, there is something
amazing in witnessing a
fierce summer storm. It's
rather incredible how hard,
fast and furious it can pour,
then suddenly, it slams on
the brakes and the sun struts
his stuff.

I have come to understand,
Seasonal Affective Disorder,
SAD, is a malady to be dealt
with as there is no cure. I've
received such fab ideas from
family and friends as to how
to cope.

It's important to have a list
and check it twice, with my
apologies to Santa. When 
wanting nothing more than 
to exit life, the energy to
combat this ghastly affliction
simply isn't there.

Bless you all for helping me
to create combat strategies;
pray I have the wherewithal
to try them on for size . . .

color me helpless
mr sun pray come to me
so need your blue skies 

Aug 21, 2022


So needing some light of day . . .

SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder,
seems to be accosting me early
this year. Normally, I can expect 
it raising it's ugly head around 
the time of cold and snow. 

Its early arrival might just have
something to do with all the rain
we've been receiving daily for a
couple of weeks. I love rain and
we need it. 

The sky gets so dark for several
hours. Wish there could at least 
be sun before and aft; 'twould 
make it easier! Please, oh please,
could we have a few more weeks
of sun?!

My doc has updated my SAD 
meds and my sweet daughter 
gifted me a SAD light. I need 
to learn to use it, of course.

Looking ahead at long months
of a dark autumn and a darker
winter, so pray I can survive 
one way or another. Methinks
getting my ass outside on days
when the winter sun peeks out 
its head might be a good idea! 

Need to learn to use that sun
lamp and anything else that
comes recommended. I may
make it after all . . .

lunar lady mine
sun worshiper i should be
and ever will be

Aug 20, 2022


"Irene Woodward, tattooed lady,
was the daughter of a sailor who
began the tattooing when she was
6 years of age and finished when
she was 12." The New York Times

Methinks I may have gotten the
last of my tats yesterday. Here's
hoping! 17 tats plus1 hidden may
mark the end of my sojourn into
the world of the Tattooed Lady.

My tattoo artist, amazing over
the years, has helped me create 
my dream. 13 wild cats, each 
of a different species, two maps
of my creed and two for daily
meditation purposes. Such fun!

The pain notwithstanding, hasn't
kept me from enjoying the results.
I've heard that tattooing can be
addictive. Methinks starting at
40 and ending at 70 doesn't
necessarily mean I'll be going
under the needle anytime again

I've so liked getting acquainted
with my tattoo artist and his fam,
a sweet young woman and baby.
I commend him for his art, his
knowledge, his patience.

stranger and stranger
heres to the tattooed lady
pray may i indulge

Aug 19, 2022


Have to ask myself . . . 
What is my fascination
with murder mysteries?!

Love mysteries; page turners,
both books and movies! So
enjoy watching the movies 
with my guy! Then, if he falls 
asleep before I do, 'tis open
those delish pages.

Still, methinks 'tis high time
for me to have a look-see at
the attraction. Not that I have 
to go back to childhood Disney
flicks. Not sure I could do a 
whole lot of travel flicks or 
comedies either.

I am rather glad that I like flicks
like Monk, NCIS, Bones, etc. 
So I'm thinking, at least I have
no taste for the heinous! And,
for that I am glad. I leave that
genre to my kids . . .

Rather leaves me with that ole
idea that the answer might reside
in self acceptance! Just going to
get over it and enjoy my murders,
uhhhhh . . . I mean my murder 

murder or mayhem
eeny meeny miny moe
just solve the intrigue 

Aug 18, 2022

08/18/2022 - Happy b-day Peter!

Remembering . . .

What an amazing kid he was,
is and ever will be!

I can't help but chuckle . . . his
fave meal, grilled cheese sands
and tomato soup. Daily fare . . . 
sooooo not kidding!

And then, we took him to Japan.
Sat there, at this formal banquet
banquet, and devoured a $100
lobster. Best yet, then devoured
mine. He's been a gourmet and
a gourmand ever since; sooooo 
not kidding!

At the risk of getting killed for
telling tales out of school, I must
say he is a phenomenal artist in
his own right. Well known in the
sport circles, sooooo not kidding!

And now, I see him as a husband
and a father. It touches my heart
to see him with his family. He's
both affable and thoughtful, a
pleasure to be around; sooooo 
not kidding!

So proud of this son, this man,
this friend. I pray he knows just
how much he is loved; sooooo 
not kidding!

Happiest of all b-days Peter . . .
much love from your s-mom,
sooooo not kidding!

Aug 16, 2022


Find myself wondering about 
this whole, getting the hell out 
of Dodge thing . . .

One of the gifts of additional 
b-days has to do with the total 
gusto of being homebodies. 
So delish in fact, that if there 
were no need to grab some 
sustenance, one might never 
leave the proverbial nest.

I recognize that it would be quite
easy to become insular. On the
the other hand, balance does tend
to demand its own attention.

Love it when fam, friends and 
foe come knocking at my door; 
such fun to shoot the breeze with 
brewskis in hand.

Why is it that the road no longer 
beckons?! Perhaps living a bit off 
the grid, as well as a slightly lighter 
purse, just might have something 
to do with it. 

Methinks a change of pace is in
order. Trips both North and West
would delight me in visits with
the progeny, loves of my life that
they be. Might even succumb to
the temptation of the odd antique
store or two. Hands tied behind
my back, of course!

let me strut my stuff
methinks a trips in order
any excuse works


 I find myself wondering about

premonitions of late . . .

Not sure if it's an age thing, an
ld thing, a sleepless night thing,
go figure!

I've ever and always had them,
most of them coming true. But,
did I just make sure they did?
Or, was it just luck of the draw?
No idea, really!

Sometimes, it's simply about the
weather; no biggie! Other times,
I sense something is wrong and
I have to run down the catalog
pages of my brain until I hit one
that might be the problem. 

Usually, I address it right away
and yes, there is often something
that needs addressing. Maybe
that's a good thing.

The premonition I find somewhat
unnerving is that I'm not long for
this world. Not bad really, I've
lived five years beyond what the
docs gave me after three days
testing at the hospital. And five
years is nothing to be sneered at!

Not looking for sympathy; might 
not even be true. Just addressing 
my precog deets!

I get a kick out of that old story
where Mr. Death goes to the right
address to pick up his next on the
list. The man doesn't happen to be
home, so Mr. Death goes next door.
Not finding who he came for, he says,
"I'll just take this guy instead." And,
of course it's the right guy just out
visiting his next door neighbor.

im on my way home
finding myself curious
pray when will it be

Aug 15, 2022


No can do believe it . . . 
Last night I dreamt of going to
summer church camp meeting.
Unbelievable . . .

The excitement prior to the trip,
the getting ready, packing and
driving for hours and hours! I
really thought we'd never get
there, but finally . . .

Seemed dad and mom took 
hours to set up the tent. Those
old army tents were so different 
than these easy, lightweight 
tents we have today . . . to say
nothing of the weight.

Once up and moved in, Dad
would take us around the tent
village. Lots of greetings thrown
about; slaps on the back and hugs.

There would always be amazing
potluck picnics. It was interesting
to a child to spy different kinds of
foods, especially desserts. Yum!

Then, gathering in a humungous
tent for the evening sermon. That
was the only part I didn't like. I
usually fell asleep within minutes
of the first hymn dying out.

In my old age, can't help but
wonder if something along these
lines exist in the esoteric world.
Methinks might be called Renn
Fair, or some such.

wine women and song
love me some summer campouts
what say you we go

Aug 14, 2022


"Chartreuse is a French herbal
liqueur made by the Carthusian 
Monks since 1737 according 
to the instructions set out in 
a manuscript given to them by 
Francois Annibal d'Estrées in 
1605." Wikipedia

I feel so fortunate . . . I have 
an amazing circle of friends . . .
and, they make Chartreuse once
a year. 

There are two particular women 
who seem to know every herb 
in and out of sight. This is born 
out by their search and find mode
whilst prepping for Chartreuse.

We admirers enjoy using a few
small pieces of each of the many
herbs they've collected for our
gallon glass jars.

Said herbs are covered in vodka
and several interesting spices are
added. After three days, contents
are sieved and Chartreuse is born.
A bit of sugar syrup tops off the
miracle . . .

I like pretty bottles with three or
four small crystals in the bottom
for housing this delightful ambrosia.
Looks beautiful on the mantle and
tastes ever better . . . Methinks the
term ambrosia vastly underestimates
the power of the beast.

That delightful term yummmmm
creeps into my mind . . . so can
hardly wait for three days to fly by.

tis a sip of french
world travel in a bottle
tongue awaiting bliss

Aug 13, 2022


What is it about candles?

Got a call from my cohort in 
crime yesterday. She then
proceeds to tell me a fun story 
about candles. 

Seems she was driving along
minding her own business, 
when she spied a box by the
side of the road. As it was
marked free, she stopped to
take a look-see. 

A box of candles . . . how fun,
especially as she burns them 
every day. Different sizes, 
different colors, some new, 
some used. In the joy of her 
find, I started musing about 

In my own life, I burn candles
for any reason I can come up
with. But, who needs a reason

There's nothing quite like being
in front of my fireplace with 
five or six candles adding to the 
romance of the moment. I like 
to fall asleep at night with a
couple of votives burning by 
my bedside.

I would swear that eating at
the table demands several
candles to add to the mood. 
And speaking of moods . . .
good or bad, candles can only 
enhance the moment. 

Think I'll light one now . . .

let the candles burn
tis soothing all my heartbreak
balm in gilead 

Aug 12, 2022

08/12/2022 - J. D. Bristow, Master Gunnery Sergeant

I found myself thinking about
you the other day, as we both
taught at Adams City. I was
there 23 years; 'twould have
to admit, I simply loved it.

You were ever so great for our
kids. I think I'd explain it by
saying you gave them a glimpse
into a different kind of life than
they'd ever known.

You also offered a different kind
of structure, discipline not linked
to bad behavior. As we shared
some of the same students, they
would often come into the class
room talking about you, They
would speak to the rigor of your
classes, as well as their training,
uniforms and performances. 
Methinks they secretly loved it

I'd have to say, we too were given 
a gift. Teaching in said community,
getting to know the families of
our students, sharing their lives
for just a little while . . . all good!

Treat yourself to a 'look back' from
time to time. You deserve it! Hail
fellow well met!

Aug 11, 2022


I swear, I'm going to get that
bear if it's the last thing I do!

Sooooo love watching him walk
through my yard, just sauntering
along, minding his own business.
Or, would that be mine?!

Still, from time to time, he seems 
to feel the need to spew my trash
all over kingdom come. And, you
don't get three guesses as to who
gets to clean it all up!

Methinks, he's sitting somewhere
on the side having a great fit of 
the giggles! What kills me is that
I have it supremely tied down w/
bungie cords. He just pushes the
lid asunder and wreaks havoc!

Had to run to town and whilst
parking the pickup, saw more
bags up the hill. Not being able
to navigate the height, my poor
guy had to hike up and get the

Damn him; he's one busy little
beaver . . . not so little either!

naughty little guy
pick up your toys already
you are so grounded

Aug 10, 2022


There we were, standing there,
receiving our new teach instruction.
She had taught umpteen years in
Canada as I had in Mexico.

Neither of us knew anyone . . . 
and it's not everyday that you go 
to a new country, a new teaching
assignment, even though you're
a seasoned teacher.

Methinks we were given a gift 
of the Universe, coming home 
as it were and finding a most 
wondrous teaching position. 
Know this: I loved teaching and 
sharing in Commerce City, CO, 
for 23 years; make no mistake!!!

Still, she, Art . . . me, Lang Arts, 
in both languages . . . Spanish and
English. What a duo! I look at us
lo these 33 years later and have to 
give thanks to the universe for an 
amazing friendship I would never 
have had otherwise.

Today, we shared a lunch, chat and
remembrances . . . what a gift! I have 
to wonder, though, how many of us 
are gifted with friendships such as 

I bow to the Universe for its gifts. 
Pray I ever be grateful!!!

you so touched my soul
gift ever to be given
pray stay in my life

Aug 8, 2022


Monday morning coming down . . .
I'm absolutely certain Johnny Cash
meant Monday, not Sunday.

We had such a wonderful few days
with the kids. And then, a day of
travel and tats. I cannot reiterate
enough just how much I enjoy a 
good restful Monday!

Sleep in . . . ice cream in bed . . .
a couple of good murder mysteries.
Wasn't I just saying how phenom
glorious Mondays can be! Methinks
celebrating Monday on Tuesday is a
rather good idea. I might just need
an additional Monday in the week.

I've had this true conversion . . .
Growing up, I always had a hard 
time with Mondays. Most likely,
it had something to do with crazy
weekends and needing to recoup.

Now that I'm about a 100 years
old and retired, I love Mondays.
My nature would be to plan the
hell out of all my upcoming 
Mondays. I sooooo need to learn
to let things happen rather than
simply planning them to death.

So today Tuesday, my second
Monday of the week, I'm going
to simply let the day unfold and
enjoy it . . .

loving me mondays
tuesday morning coming down
have another one


It's been several years actually
getting the tats I want . . . the
first was for my 40th birthday.
My daughter held my hand the
entire time. My latest, today at
72, my guy sat there without
holding my hand. Naughty boy!

Originally, I had two depicting
my beliefs, but I wanted cats!
Thirteen wild cats, each of a 
different species. Today, I got
my thirteenth gato salvaje.

I've used the same tattoo artist
over the years. I loved how he
asked me on my way out today
if I was in for a few more. Of
course I responded, two more
I do want one on each forearm
honoring our Lunar Lady and 
Mr. Sun.

Takes a bit of time, not only to
save up the shekels, but to psyche
oneself up to deal with the pain.
Still, you're left with something
you've wanted for a long time 
and something you quite love.

Such fun and loving it!

skin is for decor 
ever so much space for art
loving me my tats

Aug 7, 2022


Out of the mouths of babes . . .

Methinks everyone gets a kick
out of the grandkids, but I was
landed in Hystericsville this time!

Our little guy comes out to the
travel trailer, knocks on the door
and says, "Gramma, can I come
in?" I tell him to hold on as I
need to watch out for those pesky
incoming flies.

He comes in, sits down and right
away focuses on the TV. "Hey
gramma,"is your TV really old?"
Of course, I admit to this and I
will say, I'm damn curious to
see where this is going.

"Well gramma, why don't you
buy a new one?" I explain that
I just don't have the money to
do so. He pauses, Obviously,
he's thinking about all this, 
takes his time . . . and then, he
looks up at me and grins. "Well,
maybe my mom could buy you
a new one!"

Frankly, I didn't see it coming
and I fear it was a damn struggle
not to die laughing on the spot.
But, I was a good gran and told
him I thought we were good for
the time being. He gets up to go,
turns and says, "Well, think about
it, gramma."

I swear that kid puts a smile on
my face every time I see him. 
We won the lotto with our eight;
make no mistake.

Aug 5, 2022


Every once in a while, one 
is given the gift of a day . . .

It wasn't planned as such, 
but everyone had something 
specific they needed to get 
done. I found myself on my 
own; crossword puzzle time!

'Twas then that my daughter
from another mother walked
over with her coffee and ciggie
in hand and gave me the best
gift ever! A day of sharing and
conversation. Wow! Just wow!

I would be the first to admit it;
I love conversations of depth.
It's not a plane one can live on
each and every moment. Life
must be lived. Things need to
be accomplished. Taking care
of business takes up a lot of

Still, every now and then, an
opportunity presents itself in
which real talk can take place.
Comparing belief systems, 
taking a look at the current
political situation, telling tales
out of school . . . all good. 

And I like that whole feeling
of walking away, knowing we
never put anyone down, said
anything inappropriate, just
really and truly conversed.

Can't help but wonder if real
conversation, emphasis on the
word real, isn't part of what's
missing in our today's world.

Something to think about . . .

lets talk it over
pray come sit with me awhile
the comfort of words


Guess if you can't laugh at
yourself, who can you laugh at?

Didn't feel like washing dishes
last night, probably tired partying.
Rather glad these birthdays are
over already!!!

So, I put hot water in the dish tub
and added my usual 3 streams of
dish soap . . . only to realize I'd
added coffee creamer instead. 
I'd like to ask what this world is 
coming to, but, I fear just might 
be my own aging.  Still, I intend 
to blame it on my own sleepy head 
as I really hadn't woken up yet!

I also entertain the idea that these
silly happenings can be good
learning lessons. It's up to us to
implement them! So, what am I
to learn from my own craziness?

Methinks, paying attention to 
business might be a good start. 
I fear, I tend to live more in my 
head than in real life. If these 
wake up calls didn't happen from 
time to time, I would not get it!

So, here's me listening up Universe!
What is it you'd like to tell me?
What would you like me to know?

find myself longing
such wisdom of the ages
will i ever know

Aug 4, 2022


In my dream, a few of us
were sitting around what
appeared to be a conference
table of some sort. Those
of us who were visiting,
didn't know each other.

Obviously, we were assailed
with a myriad of feelings . . .
curiosity, fear of the unknown,
wonder. "What was this and
how did we get here. And,
who the hell were these sages?"

The sages, as I seemed to 
think of them, continued
their quiet conversation as
if we weren't even there. A
young boy, apparently braver
than the rest of us, spoke up.

"What's the deal? Why are we
here?" The elder seemed startled 
at the interruption, but answered. 
"You are each here because of 
the queries you've made in your 

"You will stay a while, journey 
in pairs, and seek the answers 
you are searching for." By now, 
we're all open mouthed! And 
you'll never guess who I was 
paired with?! The young teen, 
obviously . . .

Alas, I awoke at this point. Still,
methinks there's a message in
there. Sooooo hope I'm paying
attention! Wow! Just W O W !!!

find myself longing
such wisdom of the ages
will i ever know

Aug 3, 2022


All Quiet on the Western Front
~Erich Maria Remarque

Maybe too quiet . . . 

I chose, quite happily I might 
add, to experience cabin life. 
I had no idea what I was getting 
us into; it's been most interesting.

Interesting in that there's been
so much to do, repair, fix up,
make livable . . . my guy has 
been a champ and an absolute 
godsend all the way. 

I feel so fortunate that friends
drop by from time to time. 
Methinks I might just curl up 
and die without this human 

During the summer, we each
host a celebration. My man 
throws a fab family b-day do.
A few days later, my sisters
join me for Lughnasadh, the
beginning of harvest season.

And now, the lull in the afters.
There is a certain amount of
joy remembering, processing.
In the silence, we hear the pond,
the birds chirping or singing.
Funny how I'm able to exclude
those ghastly traffic noises.

Still, can't help but ask myself,
"Now what?" Obviously, these
mysteries will sort themselves
out, but I'd be lying if I didn't 
admit to being curious!

Can't help but wonder, will you
be one of my summer surprises?

Aug 1, 2022


Comings and goings . . .
So love me the anticipation
of the long awaited arrival
of a good friend.

There's the whole planning
element, the getting ready,
and finally . . . the actual day!
The hours of waiting on said
day, are the longest hours in
the history of mankind . . .
I swear it!

Spying her from afar, seeing
she has arrived safely, that
first glorious hug! Wondrous!
And then comes the catching
up, tripping over each other's
words in the eagerness of
getting a word in edgewise. 

Each day is enjoyed, treasured.
And how quickly they pass.
Unbelievable! And finally, time
is up. Which is as it should be.
I so get it. Still . . .

Load the car, get to the station.
Encounter a horrific accident on
the way with over a dozen police
cars and emergency vehicles.  And 
yet, no matter how badly you feel 
for those involved, your worry is 
all about the fear that you'll miss 
the scheduled time of departure.

Somehow you make it; praise the
gods! And then . . . that last good
bye hug and watch her walk away.
Tears on the way home and the
exhaustion that emotional sorrow
brings . . .

Ah, such is friendship of the ages!


Today marks the birth of
my paternal grandmother,
Elsie Castner . . . one of
my greatest sheros of all

One of the things I have
loved about getting older
is the recognition of those
who have come before me.

Obviously, I would not be
here were it not for my
grandmother. Having said
that, nor my great gran,
nor my great great gran.

We are all here because of
those who have gone before.
Methinks we don't tend to
pay attention to that rather
amazing fact.

And frankly, now that I'm
about a hundred years old,
I find I am more and more
interested in where I came
from. Ancestors? Traits?

I can't help but wonder . . .
What does what I learn, find
out, bring to the table? Hints
of whom I take after? Why 
do I perhaps act the way I do?
Certain interests, proclivities?

I have learned that I seem to
take after my father and his
side of the family more than 
I do my mother's. Not certain
it even matters, but I so want
to find out!

pray sit beside me
tell me a story grandma
may i hear your words