Sep 30, 2021


"Thirty days hath September,
April, June and November.
All the rest have thirty-one,
Excepting February alone,
And that has twenty-eight days clear
And twenty nine in each leap year."
Mother Goose

Has been just a tad exasperating
awaiting the arrival of my phenom
month of October, and here we are,
just one more day . . .

Seems I spend the entire month of 
September just planning my October
indulgences . . . ONE PER DAY!

"Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!"
Wizard of Oz . . . Best of all, seeing 
all my kids. Love my close friends
coming by . . . 'tis me who wants to
celebrate them, rather than them me.

What do I want in the way of pressies?
(My daughter's least fave word!) FACs
Eats. Visits. Telling tales out of school! 
No need for "Brown paper packages 
tied up with string." Sound of Music

Only 14 more hours . . .

may the hours fly
october awaiting me
my thirty one days

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