Sep 5, 2021


Colorado is such an amazing
state. Living in the mountains,
we are graced with aspens,
pine trees, rivers and streams,
to say naught of the forest
bouquets of wildflowers.
And the . . .

 . . . you take a drive and
are assailed by an entirely
different geography. The
Colorado plains are absolutely
unreal! Mountains are visible
in the far background.
And then . . .

 . . . you take a look around!
360 degrees of sky and clouds
right down to the ground!
Let me add that I have never
seen sunrises and sunsets
more spectacular! Wow!
And then . . .

 . . . just choose a road, a
highway or byway and see
where it takes you. You will
have no idea whether you'll
be surprised by small country
towns, or amazing cities.

Oh beautiful, colorful Colorado!
I am ever so fortunate to live
here. You have graced my life
with such beauty and adventure.
I can hardly wait until the next

we are invited
oh to endure such wonder
allow me to stay

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