Oct 1, 2021


"I love October.
I believe in the veil
being thinner.
You feel everything
yet it's so welcomed,
deeply rich,
and intoxicating.
An actual harvest
of sensation that both
roots and uplifts.
Balanced. Libra seasons."
~Victoria Erickson

I've had about nine months thinking
October would never, ever, get here!
Por fin, it has arrived! Thirty one days
of pure alluring enjoyment.

Enjoying my fam, seeing my friends,
eating wondrous treats, riding to the
interesting towns that surround us . . .
all fun!!!

I'm planning on enjoying the entirety
of this month; it's so fun coming up 
w/ideas for each day. I can live with
two or three adventures a day, but . . .
no can do a day off during my month!

Send your ideas, do-able phantasies 
and I'll play . . . mind the shekels; 
living on half a retirement here!

My youngest daughter is coming 
today! And, my oldest on the morrow! 
Yay October!!!

they say ten is luck
me thinks thirty one better
october so rocks

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