Sep 20, 2021


"Happy is when someone gives you
a big hunk of something wonderful
and it's too big to hold. So, you pull 
off a piece from time to time to hold
in your hand. That's being contented."
~Betty Smith, Joy in the Morning 

Somewhere in the American Dream,
we get all mixed up about happy
We tend to hold happy dear, almost 
to the exclusion of anything else.

Happy, happiness, joy, bliss . . . all 
are important. The searching for, 
the living for . . . all important. Still, 
I can't help but wonder the price we
pay for being so wrapped up in the
search for happiness that we miss
a great deal of life?!

The analogy of love making comes
to mind. Perhaps we are so intent 
on experiencing the end result that 
we don't even enjoy the beautiful 
path that leads us there. 

Bottom line, all experiences are
important. Lessons to be learned,
precious moments to be held close
to our souls, sorrow to be honored,
love to share . . . all important!

Let's live our lives to the fullest . . .
experiencing all those different
spices that make our lives both
interesting and delectable!

"Joy comes to us in ordinary moments.
We risk missing out when we get too
busy chasing down the extraordinary."
~Brené Brown

so living the life
joy to come from time to time
experience all

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