Sep 13, 2021


Speaking of relationships . . .

My guy and I are 70, 71 in fact. It's
rather beyond interesting to look back 
and see the changes in that infamous
dance of conjugal bliss.

When we were kids and shared our
first kiss, we were allowed to kiss,
but not touch. Frenching was frowned
upon; make no mistake! Anyone who
knew anything understood that this
was where babies came from!

'Twas expected of me to marry as a
virgin, after a suitable courtship and
parental approbation . . . and to stay
married, no matter what!

Divorce was a big no no, and I get
it. There are so many things that
deserve serious consideration in the
breaking up of a relationship.

Now, a hundred years later, my guy
and I have been together for over   
20 and we actually chose to jump 
the broom rather than have a legal 
marriage ceremony. 

I recognize that it's not about right
and wrong, just different customs,
eras and expectations. Still I must 
say, the changes we've witnessed 
in our 70 year span are downright 

ever wondering
is it whats right or whats wrong
or just what it is

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