Sep 1, 2021


Perhaps 'twas a day like any other,
but it wasn't actually, it was a true 
gift of a day. A former colleague, 
lo these many years not seen, shared 
a few delicious hours and memories 
with me.

What a delight to sift through those
few stories of students and fellow
teachers that we loved throughout
the years of teaching and counseling. 

Whilst enjoying the delightful repast
she provided, we chuckled, belly
laughed, sighed . . . even shed a few 

One of the blessings derived from 
the day was the reiteration of a
career well chosen, enjoyed and

Indeed, it has been so hard for me  
to let go; I loved teaching ever so 
much. My students meant the world 
to me, but today was a reminder that 
it is time, time to bid adieu to that
part of my life.

Perhaps the best part of today . . .
a professional colleague may
have come to visit, but she left 
as a friend.

*Dedicated to Patricia Salas,
phenomenal teacher and counselor.

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