Sep 28, 2021


Today is National Son's Day; although
I think of my sons ever and always, 'tis
lovely to have a special day in which  
to celebrate them.

Lui, my first born is an amazing man,
artist and bibliophile.

Peter is a professional photographer  
and a stand up dad. And, don't even
get me started on his knowledge of
foods and beer.

Chris, Jeremiah and ZAK may belong  
to my guy, but I get to have them too!

Sooooo, what is it about having sons
that make them so special?! I've never
been quite certain that women utterly
understand men or that men truly get
women. Having said that, a mother
gets a free 'get out of jail' card when
it comes to sons, albeit they're also
those incomprehensible men!

Being all grown up with their own
responsibilities, I don't get to see
them all the time as I did when they
were kids. Still, there are shared
holidays, the odd visit, phone calls,
cards and e-mails. Staying in touch 
is important.

Bottom line . . .  I love them, pray 
for them, threaten God when things 
aren't going well for them, would
give my life . . .

loving me my sons
celebrating them today
ever and always

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