Sep 6, 2021


Pets ahoy . . .

Spent the weekend with pets and
loved every moment of it. Kept
asking myself, "When did we stop
having them?" My guy says we 
all had pets while our kids were
growing up and that it was quite
important for them to have these
different learning experiences.

I actually get that! Playing with
dogs especially, training them, 
walking them everyday . . . all 
good! So, I asked him why don't 
we have a dog or two, or better 
yet, a couple of cats?

He explained that as retired
oldsters, we need to be free to
go at any moment, roam around,
have fun and not worry about
animals or getting someone
to take care of them. Me thinks
that was quite sneaky of him,

So, when we visit our daughter,
I'll just have to get my dog fix!

a hound dog or two
here kitty kitty kitty
loving me my pets

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