Sep 8, 2021


So interesting to suss out the things
we oldsters do in retirement . . .
So fun!

We just spent an entire afternoon
watching a series whilst drinking
margs. So fun!

I like the times we spend cooking
together in the kitchen. I cook the
vege dishes and he, the meat dishes.
Still, I like the eating together that
happens after the fact! So fun!

I enjoy the odd ride we take in the
mountains. I get a kick out of stopping
at different bits and pieces along our
way, some temptations to buy, others
to eat. So fun!

I love the spontaneity available whilst
on our adventures. A garage sale, an
antique store, a farmer's market . . . 
So fun!

And, best of all weekends with the
different kids in our fams. Me thinks
that's the most fun of all! So fun!

I refuse to even think about those 
pesky parts are aren't fun! Sooooo
NOT fun at all!

aging can be fun
a little scary as well
positive thoughts help

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