Sep 25, 2021


At o' dark thirty this morning 
we had a bear come to visit. 
The dogs started barking to let 
us know and we got to watch 
Mr. Ginormous amble up the
sidewalk, cool as you please! 
Without a doubt, he was the 
largest bear we've ever had 
come calling.

Seeing so much wildlife has 
been one of the perks of living 
in a 130 year old cabin in the 
woods, as it were. And, we do 
get bear every summer and early
fall. But, we also receive plenty 
of visits from raccoons, bobcats
and mountain lions. Not quite 
sure why the bear are the most 

I find myself ever grateful to
Mother Nature for her beauty,
her wildlife . . . her moods that
gift us such different, amazing 
weather patterns. What a life!

Little Miss Goldilocks had
naught on us . . .

do come and visit
mama daddy baby bears
find im missing you

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