Sep 3, 2021


"We breathe air exhaled from trees
whose leaves are made of starlight.
Our veins echo the patterns of rivers,
branches, and root systems. We are
not a part of Nature. We are Nature!"
~Marysia Miernowska

How I love our Mother Nature! As
a small child, my father used to take
us out. I recall everything from short
walks to long hikes. We rested when
needed. Mom always packed picnics.
It may have been the same food, but
it tasted better outdoors!

I remember that sometimes my bro
and I would become querulous, Mom
and dad would exchange that secret
parental look and off to the hills we
would go. Amazing! They were so

Even though this was prior to any
littering campaign, my parents were
sticklers about leaving zero trace of
our presence. I so honor them for

Just now, I'm feeling a tad querulous!
Me thinks a trip out in Mother Nature
is just what the doc ordered!

let me walk in you
so loving me my mother
remedy for ills

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