Sep 27, 2021


Yesterday, we attended a Celebration 
of Life. An amazing experience, all 
told. 'Twas honoring a friend, neighbor, 
someone we much valued. 

I had never given any particular thought
to the fact that in our age bracket, we're
going to be losing our older friends and
family. It really only just hit me. Wow!

I find celebrating them, honoring them,
easy. I would hope to be so celebrated,
honored and remembered well when 
my time comes. My kids would tell 
you I've been preparing for my own
death for several years.

In my defense, it comes from a group
of specialists at the hospital giving me 
all the tests in the book when I fainted 
and cracked my skull open. I was told
I had a couple of months to live. If I
lived longer, it would take a year or so
for my brain to return to its original size
as it was quite swollen.

I do find I value life more since being
given the death threat. Isn't it interesting
how the thought of something being
taken away makes it feel more valuable?

I do pray I'll be given yet another little
while . . .

finding i love life
dont be in any hurry
to take me away

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