Sep 16, 2021


What is it? Fear of the unknown?
Never been there; done that???

Each day we sally forth and 
conquer . . . or meet defeat. 
What of it? Does it really matter 
which? Isn't it experience that 
life is all about?

I find myself more fearful as I 
get older. That may be as is, but
I want to face life and experience
it anyway. Obviously, I have to
give myself a good talking to 
from time to time! I just need it!

Today, we face a new challenge.
We are to meet friends in a place
heretofore unknown to us, at a
given time. We have to leave at
o' dark thirty and travel a couple
of hours; it's a bit scary.

I think, were we taking a journey
on our own, with no time limits
or expectations, it would be less
worrisome. Still, we're up for
the adventure and hoping for the

As my childhood buddy used to
say, "Lord willing and the Devil
doesn't intervene," we'll make it!

tis an adventure
but i don't know where that is
so go anyway

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