Sep 9, 2021


I'm of two mind here! Alarms going
off everywhere, scaring the bejesus
out of me . . .

Oh my God, the yard is full of elk.
Stunning creatures and the baby is
beyond precious.

They're wending their way up the
stone walkway, eating everything
in their path . . . Oh NO, NOT my
precious, precious sunflowers! 

Damn it all to hell anyway!!! My 
d) all of the above, encouraged 
me to cut them yesterday, but I
simply couldn't bear to and now
they're hors d'oeurvres for our
early morn visitors.

On the other side of things, love
my 130 year old cabin in the 
woods and all of the wildlife it
attracts. I'm ever so blest . . . but
do they have to eat my sunflowers?

so loving my woods
special creatures of all kinds 
wildlife galore wow

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