Sep 14, 2021


Where is September going in such an 
all fired hurry?! I swear, life is soooo 
getting away from me!

We all know that time flies whether
you're having fun or not. Yet, I'm
nigh onto a hundred years old and
still this long known scientific fact 
wows me!

Being somewhat nearer the end of
my days rather than at the beginning,
I find myself wanting to have a chat
with Mr. Time.

Couldn't he slow down just a bit,
especially during the glorious day.
I wouldn't even mind if he hurried
through those rough ones. But, he
won't budge an inch . . . so like
the male species, per se!

Guess will have to be me making
the odd change. We all enjoy a
good sleep-in, but I think I should
actually get up earlier and go to
bed later. To quote John Wayne,
"Time's a wastin'; get up and get

enjoy whilst you can
lets live we can sleep later
death is a long nap

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