Aug 29, 2021


OMG . . . I'm tempted to say,
Oh, my fucking God, but I did
promise my daughter I would
no longer say that . . .  but, what
can you say when your entire
family coalesces around you?!
I am sooooo NOT kidding!

Moments shared, memories
reiterated and fought about,
glorious times out of times . . .
Frankly, there are NO WORDS!

Special glimpses into the past,
fave foods shared and enjoyed,
the retelling of tales told out of
school; did I say GLORIOUS?!

Indeed, I do praise all the gods
in creation for moments such as
these.  They are not to be taken
lightly, nor for granted. I pray
the powers at be know just how
much I value these glimpses into
my own eternity. Wow!

Dear hearts, know that I love you,
understand that you are adored,
I would die for you . . . indeed, 
alas, I prefer to live for you . . . but 
whatever the universe exacts from
me,  I'm sooooo there for you!!!

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