Aug 22, 2021


There are times when Mama Earth
gifts us such amazing moments, I
swear I could die on the spot!

Yesterday was a three-for . . . oh
my God!The storm was raging and
dead scary! I feared it would never
end. Made my guy hold me ever 
so tight.

And then, and then, an explosion 
of color . . . the most glorious rain
bow I've ever seen . . . earth to 
earth, in a perfect  semi circle. It
must have felt like partying as it
hung around an awfully long time
for a rainbow!

Night begins to creep up on us . . .
ever so slowly. One of the gifts
the plains bring to us is an artist's
canvas. On this side of the canvas,
the sun is slowly sinking in the west. 
It is simply impossible to describe
the beauty. 

Simultaneously, in the opposite 
direction, Lady Luna begins her 
assent in the east. For this one 
moment in time, polar opposites 
salute each other across the sky. 
I find myself weeping, overcome 
by beauty such as I had never 
seen before.      

How, just how, do the gods deal
with the evil we humans bring to
the table?! Can't believe they just 
don't wipe us out in one fell swoop! 
I know I would . . .     

good bye mister sun
lunar lady come to me
beauty side by side    

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