Aug 21, 2021


'Tis a rare occasion when asked to
survive a glorious afternoon with 
#1 fave s-daughter, sans familial
males . . . be still my heart!!!

We chewed on everything from 
a delicious repast of events long 
forgotten to current events most 
unforgettable . . . and we hadn't
even brought out the margs yet!

There is something ever so
bittersweet about memory lane!
I'd been intending to visit those
special places ere this, but have
somehow neglected to do so.

The kids were so young, just
discovering themselves, trying
different facades on for size. I
remember this as ever sooooo
delightful. It awakens in me a
kaleidoscope of memories most

Were the gods to grant me one
wish, me thinks 'twould be for
all the children of the world to
have most wondrous memories
of their childhood . . . alas, 'tis
not to be . . . rather breaks my

loving me some kids
most precious beyond measure
rare gifts of the gods

*Special hugs and thankyous to
most awesome s-daughter Sarah!

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