Aug 24, 2021


"Cherish the natural world, because
you're a part of it and you depend on it."
~Sir David Attenborough

I have always appreciated and revered
the work and writings of Sir David. He
is a gentle reminder of how things need
to be in this world of ours. I so lament
we are slowly, but surely destroying her.

Of course we all wish things would be
different. I imagine we tend to think
we're only one person in our roughly
8 billion souls on the planet. So, how
to help realistically?!

I tend to think in concentric circles. 
Imagine, if you will, you in your own
small circle. Throughout your day,
you make the effort to use reusable
plates and cutlery. You use your 
recycle bin religiously. On your a.m.
walk, you carry a bag into which you
place unsightly trash as you go along.

Now imagine everyone on earth doing
exactly the same thing. All those small
concentric circles overlapping. Little
by little we get our own house clean!

Let's pick up our butts, bin our bottles,
wash our wine glasses for reuse and
above all, teach our children!!! For
they are the ones who will ultimately
be losing their home if our world ends.

surrounded by trash
mother earth pray forgive us
promising to help

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