Aug 13, 2021


Tat report . . . 

So loving my 13th wild cat tat! 
'Tis actually my12th, but my  
tattoo artist suggested that on 
Friday the 13th at 3:00 p.m. I'd 
get my13th cat tat and next time, 
I'd be getting my 12th. He's too 

I've so enjoyed the tats . . . a pair
of belief triangles and now the 
13 wild cats. I simply love them. 
Glorious  . . . and this is the first
time I didn't scream the house 
down; that's saying something;
make no mistake!

What is it about stepping outside
the box that is so satisfying?! I'm
not sure, but I'm dead pleased and
proud that I've had the courage to
to do so!

Coming to the end of my days . . .
I've had a proper look see at my
life! It is important and I sooooo 
do not wish to diminish it in any 
way, shape or form. One way or 
another, I intend to go down 

Bottom line . . . my ultimate
desire is to live rather than 
to exist, and it means a great 
deal to me to color outside 
the lines! 

Here's to using all 64 colors 
in the crayon box until they're 
broken, roughed up and gone! 
I want to use them all!

so love me some life
lets live rather than exist
color me happy

1 comment:

  1. You never cease to amaze me. I am honored to be so fortunate to be your friend. You inspire me and countless others every single day. I love you to the moon and beyond.
