Aug 2, 2021


Not sure where the last seven months
went, but I know I'm simply wowed 
that we're in August . . . and there's
still 30 more days to enjoy!

I always loved August, the last days
of freedom before school began. I
come from that era where school
began on September 4th come hell
or high water.

So, August was the do or die month.
Camping, slumber parties, long hikes,
backpacking . . . cramming everything
imaginable into 31 days of what we
called PRE-school.

Now that I'm a hundred years old, I
still find myself planning all of the
things I can squeeze into the weeks
ahead. Only this time, it'll be picnics
rather than camping, parties instead
of sleepovers and lugging a purse
around, not a backpack!

So loving this weather! Anticipation
still ahead! God, I can hardly wait 
to see what naughties I can come up 
with. Feel free to join me . . .

lets cram in some fun
so loving me some august
going back to school

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