Aug 3, 2021


Remembering . . . today, lo these many
moons ago, the father of my children
and I celebrated our marital union.

This time period represents 20 years of
my life, 20 years in old Mexico, 20 years
of exciting mystery! I wouldn't have
missed it for anything!

My husband was an amazing man! He 
was the best teacher I've ever had, barring
none! An amazing musician, semi-pro
soccer player; didn't I just say, amazing?!

He gave me the two greatest gifts I have
ever, or will ever, receive, my son and
my daughter. They are the light of my
life, joy at every turn, reason for living!

Alas, me thinks most of us have a past
that in the rememberings, bring us both
joy and sorrow . . . sometimes, even
anger. Perhaps, this is as it should be.

My younger self tended to dwell more
on the sorrow and anger. My older self
is learning the lesson of acceptance.
All the feelings that can be dredged up
do not change a single fact of what was.
Hence, I'm making a stab at recalling
the joys, and yes, there was a great deal
of that!

I am grateful for this day in my personal
history. It has brought me ever so much
I wouldn't have had otherwise . . .

taking a peek back
a priceless experience
wouldnt change a thing

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