Aug 8, 2021


Days off and days on . . . isn't that what
retirement's all about?!

I prefer hitting the town for groceries,
gas and drinking water once a month. 
I prefer even more, going out for a meal 
afterwards! And, once in a great while, 
a cold one after putting all the gros away.

What I love about the remainder of days
is seeing friends, sitting outside, telling
tales out of school . . . a life worth living!
And never, ever forget the reading of a
delectable book!

The above mental meanderings through 
my easy days remind me of just how
much I enjoy life . . . especially the
aforementioned daily delights!

I need to find a way to not only recall
these joys, but to hang onto them at
every dark moment. Me thinks perhaps
'twill keep the baddies at bay!

remember the joys
forget the tribulations
pray live don't exist

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