Aug 24, 2021


Funny . . . my little brother has been
on my mind of late. He'd be turning 
70 this summer, and yet, I still think 
of him as my little brother.

We're not even two years apart, but as
he was blind as well as a tad special, 
I grew up having my own caretaking
with him.

I've spoken of him often and do not
particularly wish to repeat . . . just
having my own remembering! One 
thing I recall was the close bond 
he had with his seeing-eye dogs. I
believe he had four in his lifetime.

They were all so amazing, trained
as I have never seen in any canines 
before. The essential detail was,
with his dogs he was whole. He
walked down the sidewalk so fast
I couldn't keep up.

I can't even imagine the pain he 
must have felt at the passing of
each friend, for friend was exactly 
what they were to him. 

I don't know just which little bit
of paradise the gods have gifted
him, but I pray he has his four
faithful companions with him.

Blessed be . . .

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