Aug 12, 2021


Survival mode is supposed to be a
phase that helps save your life. It
is not meant to be how you live.
~Michele Rosenthal

We've all been in survival mode
since the plague began. I'm at that
point of asking, "Will it never end?"

Alas, I fear we will become sooooo
accustomed to living the Covid way
that we'll never again embrace our
pre-pandemic days! 

Baby steps! I'm thinking along the
lines of getting out just a tad more.
Mask on and careful, but still . . .
I want to put the fear behind me
and learn to live, rather than exist,
once again.

So, maybe we don't hug in greeting
any more, and how I miss those hugs,
but bumping elbows, knuckles, is
important too. 

I swear, I'm not going to let Covid
win! I'm not going to allow it to
affect my entire life any more. I'm
going to return to life . . . 
 . . . albeit carefully!

trying to return
not sure i can find my way
asking directions

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